Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Entry 9 - Dramatic Moments

Every episode in Eastenders have two different types of moments in them, being the light moments and the dark (dramatic) moments. The darker moments can be spotted in forms of tragedy and create an foul mood and atmosphere. This promotes the reality of Eastenders as most of the dilemma's encountered within the characters are dramatic and a part of reality. In order to see how this aspect takes affect throughout the series i have assessed two random episodes which show alot of dark moments within the episode.

To begin with, the dramatic moments mainly begun with these relationships:
  • Little Mo and Trevor
  • Seyed and Christian
Firstly, the relationship between little Mo and Trevor exposed the traumatic events experienced in domestic violence. This included physical, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as this, the key factor in domestic abuse which was nicely replicated was the manipulation of little Mo. Their sordid relationship was shown so realistically that the entire events almost seemed to of happened in reality, especially the repeated violence and betrayal shown from Trevor and how he kept Mo coming back to him. The video below is a near perfect example of how little Mo's behaviour has changed from Trevor's abuse and how she tries to escape him. Although fragile by nature, ever since she was a young child, the panic in little Mo's action clearly create a dramatic aura in the scene. especially when Trevor finds her, leaving the audience to feel like rescuing her from her torment, especially 7 minutes 49 seconds in the video where the drama escalates.  

Secondly, the gay relationship between Seyed and Christian sparked a whole uprising of either disagreement or support. The two characters have a very dramatic and hard time especially as the gay life style can be frowned upon and unaccepted in some older communities. As expected, most characters who are either elderly or old-fashioned would not approve of their relationship and cause family feud's. For example, the Masood's having some hatred against Christian especially since he had influenced Seyeds homosexual nature.

Although these stories have passed and been resolved, more modern stories are found all over the web and especially in magazines and on their websites. For example, the Whats on TV? magazine provides loads of gossip and spoilers for what happens in the next episode of all the soaps as well as Eastenders.

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